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Romance Languages


Peter Boyd-Bowman. From Latin to Romance in Sound Charts. Georgetown University Press. 1980. 177pp.

Steven N. Dworkin; Dieter Wanner (editor). New Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance Historical Linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2000. 235pp.

Eduardo D. Faingold. The Development of Grammar in Spanish and the Romance Languages. Palgrave Macmillan. 2003. 149pp.

Robert A. Hall, Jr.. External History of the Romance Languages. American Elsevier. 1974. 344pp.

Martin Harris; Nigel Vincent (editor). The Romance Languages. Taylor & Francis. 1997. 500pp.

Aafke Hulk; Jean-Yves Pollock. Subject Inversion in Romance and the Theory of Universal Grammar. Oxford University Press. 2001. 215pp.

Frede Jensen. A Comparative Study of Romance. Peter Lang. 1999. 446pp.

Rebecca Posner. The Romance Languages. Cambridge University Press. 1996. 376pp.

Rodney Sampson. Nasal Vowel Evolution in Romance. Oxford University Press. 1999. 413pp.

Emily Scida. The Inflected Infinitive in Romance Languages. Routledge. 2004. 165pp.

Roger Wright. Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages. Penn State Press. 1996. 262pp.

Raffaella Zanuttini. Negation and Clausal Structure: A Comparative Study of Romance Languages. Oxford University Press. 1997. 201pp.

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