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David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World. Simon & Schuster. 2010. 320pp.

Katherine Losse. The Boy Kings: A Journey into the Heart of the Social Network. Free Press. 2012. 256pp.

Ben Mezrich. The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook: A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal. Doubleday. 2009. 272pp.


  1. Inside Facebook's (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine
    How a strange new class of media outlet has arisen to take over our news feeds.
    by John Herrman. The New York Times Magazine, 24-Aug-2016.

  2. Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
    Mark Zuckerberg now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection
    by Farhad Manjoo. The New York Times Magazine, 25-Apr-2017.

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