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Dirk J. Barreveld. The Enron Collapse: Creative Accounting, Wrong Economics Or Criminal Acts?. iUniverse. 2002. 223pp.

Arthur L. Berkowitz. Enron: A Professional's Guide to the Events, Ethical Issues, and Proposed Reforms. CCH Inc.. 2002. 268pp.

Lynn Brewer; with Matthew Scott Hansen. House of Cards: Confessions of an Enron Executive. Virtualbookworm. 2002. 312pp.

Robert Bryce. Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron. PublicAffairs. 2003. 416pp.

Brian Cruver. Enron: Anatomy of Greed: The Unshredded Truth from an Enron Insider. Arrow. 2003. 365pp.

Christopher L. Culp; William Niskanen (editor). Corporate Aftershock: The Public Policy Lessons from the Collapse of Enron and Other Major Corporations. John Wiley and Sons. 2003. 321pp.

Kurt Eichenwald. Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story. Broadway Books. 2005. 352pp.

Loren Fox. Enron: The Rise and Fall. John Wiley and Sons. 2003. 370pp.

Peter C. Fusaro; Ross M. Miller. What Went Wrong at Enron: Everyone's Guide to the Largest Bankruptcy in U.S. History. John Wiley and Sons. 2002. 240pp.

Bethany McLean; Peter Elkind. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. Portfolio. 2004. 440pp.

Abhay Mehta. Power Play: A Study of the Enron Project. Orient Longman. 2000. 226pp.

Vijay Prashad. Fat Cats and Running Dogs: The Enron Stage of Capitalism. Zed Books. 2002. 256pp.

Nancy B. Rapoport; Bala G. Dharan. Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications. Foundation Press. 2004. 949pp.

Theodore F. Sterling. The Enron Scandal. Nova Science Publishers. 2002. 180pp.

Mimi Swartz; with Sherron Watkins. Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron. Doubleday Canada. 2003. 352pp.

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