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Turin, Italy


Sandra Cavallo. Charity and Power in Early Modern Italy: Benefactors and Their Motives in Turin, 1541-1789. Cambridge University Press. 1995. 280pp.

Luigi Firpo. Translated by Ernest Howell. Turin: Portrait of a City. Tipografia Torinese. 1977. 138pp. Translation of Torino: Ritratto di una cittą.

Margaret Josephine Moody. The Royal Poorhouse in 18th Century Turin, Italy: The King and the Paupers. E. Mellen Press. 2001. 152pp.

Martha D. Pollak. Turin, 1564-1680: Urban Design, Military Culture, and the Creation of the Absolutist Capital. University of Chicago Press. 1991. 267pp.


  1. The Ghosts of Turin
    by Nikil Savalmay. The New York Times Style Magazine, 10-May-2017.

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