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J. Mutero Chirenje. A History of Northern Botswana, 1850-1910. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 1977. 316pp.

Christopher Colclough; Stephen McCarthy. The Political Economy of Botswana: A Study of Growth and Distribution. Oxford University Press. 1980. 298pp.

Peter Fawcus; with Alan Tilbury. Botswana: The Road to Independence. Pula Press and the Botswana Society. 2000. 240pp.

Kenneth Good. Bushmen and Diamonds: (Un)civil Society in Botswana. Nordic Africa Institute. 2003. 40pp.

Penelope Hartland-Thunberg. Botswana: An African Growth Economy. Westview Press. 1978. 151pp.

Jan Hesselberg. The Third World in Transition: The Case of the Peasantry in Botswana. Nordic Africa Institute. 1985. 256pp.

Ashley Jackson. Botswana, 1939-1945: An African Country at War. Oxford University Press. 1999. 281pp.

Donald Kalinde Kowet. Land, Labour Migration, and Politics in Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 1978. 243pp.

J. Clark Leith. Why Botswana Prospered. McGill-Queen's University Press. 2005. 156pp.

Julie Livingston. Debility and the Moral Imagination in Botswana: Disability, Chronic Illness, and Aging. Indiana University Press. 2005. 310pp.

Pnina Motzafi-Haller. Fragmented Worlds, Coherent Lives: The Politics of Difference in Botswana. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002. 215pp.

Boubacar N'Diaye. The Challenge of Institutionalizing Civilian Control: Botswana, Ivory Coast, and Kenya in Comparative Perspective. Lexington Books. 2001. 191pp.

Jack Parson. Botswana: Liberal Democracy and the Labor Reserve in Southern Africa. Westview Press. 1984. 145pp.

Seymour Patterson. Economic Growth in Botswana in the 1980s: A Model for Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa World Press. 2006. 185pp.

Pauline E. Peters. Dividing the Commons: Politics, Policy, and Culture in Botswana. University of Virginia Press. 1994. 277pp.

Jeff Ramsay; Barry Morton; Fred Morton. Historical Dictionary of Botswana. Scarecrow Press. 1996. 321pp.

Percy Selwyn. Industries in the Southern African Periphery: A Study of Industrial Development in Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland. Westview Press. 1975. 156pp.

Anthony Sillery. Botswana: A Short Political History. Methuen. 1974. 219pp.

Frants Staugard. Traditional Medicine in Botswana. Ipelegeng Publishers. 1989. 276pp.

Richard P. Stevens. Lesotho, Botswana, & Swaziland: The Former High Commission Territories in Southern Africa. Praeger. 1967. 294pp.

Olufemi Vaughan. Chiefs, Power, and Social Change: Chiefship and Modern Politics in Botswana, 1880s-1990s. Africa World Press. 2003. 209pp.

Richard P. Werbner. Reasonable Radicals and Citizenship in Botswana: The Public Anthropology of Kalanga Elites. Indiana University Press. 2004. 254pp.

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