Gerard Manley Hopkins Poet (28-Jul-1844 8-Jun-1889) SUBJECT OF BOOKS
Claude Colleer Abbott (editor). The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford University Press. 1935. (2 vols.) 192pp. + 322pp. Michael E. Allsopp; Michael W. Sundermeier (editors). Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): New Essays on His Life, Writing, and Place in English Literature. Edwin Mellen Press. 1989. 292pp. Robert J. Andreach. Studies in Structure: The Stages of the Spiritual Life in Four Modern Authors: G. M. Hopkins, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot and Hart Crane. Fordham University Press. 1965. 177pp. Philip A. Ballinger. The Poem as Sacrament: The Theological Aesthetic of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Peeters Publishers. 2000. 260pp. Todd K. Bender. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Classical Background and Critical Reception of His Work. Johns Hopkins University Press. 1966. 182pp. Bernard Bergonzi. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Macmillan. 1977. 202pp. Margaret Bottrall. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Casebook. Macmillan. 1975. 256pp. Robert Boyle. Metaphor in Hopkins. University of North Carolina Press. 1961. 231pp. Daniel Brown. Hopkins' Idealism: Philosophy, Physics, Poetry. Oxford University Press. 1997. 345pp. Jerome Bump. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Twayne. 1982. 225pp. William Van Etten Casey. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Jesuit in Poets' Corner. Loyola University Press. 1990. 90pp. Edward H. Cohen. Works and Criticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Catholic University of America Press. 1969. 217pp. James Finn Cotter. Inscape: The Christology and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. University of Pittsburgh Press. 1972. 347pp. John Delli-Carpini. Prayer and Piety in the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Landscape of a Soul. Edwin Mellen Press. 1998. 147pp. David A. Downes. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Study of His Ignatian Spirit. Bookman Associates. 1960. 195pp. Tom Dunne. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Clarendon Press. 1976. 394pp. Virginia Ridley Ellis. Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Language of Mystery. University of Missouri Press. 1991. 352pp. Margaret R. Ellsberg. Created to Praise: The Language of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford University Press. 1987. 145pp. Joseph J. Feeney. The Playfulness of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Ashgate Publishing. 2008. 206pp. Francis L. Fennell (editor). The Fine Delight: Centenary Essays on Gerard Manley Hopkins. Loyola University Press. 1989. 210pp. W. H. Gardner. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): A Study of Poetic Idiosyncrasy in Relation to Poetic Tradition. London: M. Secker & Warburg. 1944-48. (2 vols.) 304pp. + 415pp. Alan Heuser. The Shaping Vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Archon Books. 1968. 128pp. Jim Hunter. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Evans Bros.. 1966. 160pp. K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Man and the Poet. Oxford University Press. 1948. 194pp. Margaret Johnson. Gerard Manley Hopkins and Tractarian Poetry. Ashgate Publishing. 1997. 310pp. Wendell Stacy Johnson. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Poet as Victorian. Cornell University Press. 1968. 178pp. Paddy Kitchen. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life. London: Hamish Hamilton. 1978. 243pp. Gerald F. Lahey. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Haskell House. 1969. 172pp. Justus George Lawler. Hopkins Re-Constructed: Life, Poetry, and the Tradition. Continuum International Publishing Group. 2000. 256pp. Maria R. Lichtmann. The Contemplative Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Princeton University Press. 1989. 231pp. Jeffrey B. Loomis. Dayspring in Darkness: Sacrament in Hopkins. Bucknell University Press. 1988. 221pp. Norman H. MacKenzie. Hopkins. Oliver & Boyd. 1968. 128pp. Paul L. Mariani. A Commentary on the Complete Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Cornell University Press. 1970. 361pp. Robert Bernard Martin. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Very Private Life. HarperCollins. 1991. 448pp. Franco Marucci. The Fine Delight That Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley Hopkins. Catholic University of America Press. 1994. 267pp. Marylou Motto. "Mined with a Motion": The Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Rutgers University Press. 1984. 203pp. Jill Muller. Gerard Manley Hopkins and Victorian Catholicism: A Heart in Hiding. Routledge. 2003. 185pp. W. A. M. Peters. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Criticial Essay Towards the Understanding of His Poetry. Oxford University Press. 1948. 213pp. Catherine Phillips. Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World. Oxford University Press. 2008. 303pp. John Pick. Gerard Manley Hopkins: Priest and Poet. Oxford University Press. 1943. 169pp. Jean-Georges Ritz. Robert Bridges and Gerard Hopkins, 1863-1889: A Literary Friendship. London: Oxford University Press. 1960. 182pp. Gerald Roberts (editor). Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Critical Heritage. Routledge. 1996. 400pp. Eleanor Ruggles. Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life. W. W. Norton. 1944. 305pp. Julia F. Saville. A Queer Chivalry: The Homoerotic Asceticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins. University of Virginia Press. 2000. 240pp. Michael Sprinker. A Counterpoint of Dissonance: The Aesthetics and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Johns Hopkins University Press. 1980. 149pp. Michael Sprinkler. A Counterpoint Dissonance: The Aesthetics and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. John Hopkins University Press. 1980. 149pp. Graham Storey. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Profile Books. 1984. 59pp. Alison G. Sulloway. Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Temper. Routledge. 1972. 245pp. S. K. Swarnkar. Gerard Manley Hopkins: Critical Study. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors. 2006. 151pp. Alfred Thomas. Hopkins the Jesuit: The Years of Training. Oxford University Press. 1969. 283pp. Donald Walhout. Send My Roots Rain: A Study of Religious Experience in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Ohio University Press. 1981. 203pp. Bernadette Waterman Ward. World as Word: Philosophical Theology in Gerard Manley Hopkins. Catholic University of America Press. 2001. 291pp. Norman Weyand. Immortal Diamond: Studies in Gerard Manley Hopkins. Octagon Books. 1969. 451pp. Norman White. Hopkins: A Literary Biography. Clarendon Press. 1992. 531pp.
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- NNDB [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]
- Wikipedia [link]
- Library of Congress Name Authority [link]
- Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.732)
- New York Public Library Literature Companion (p.120)
- Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.483)
- Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.243)
- 20th Century Culture: A Biographical Companion (p.339)
- Penguin Companion to the Arts in the Twentieth Century (p.113)
- The Penguin Companion to English Literature (p.260)
- The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.21)
- Makers of 19th Century Culture: 1800-1914 (p.227)
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