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Peter Brook

Theater Director, Film Director (born 21-Mar-1925)


Jean-Claude Carriere. Translated by Aruna Vasudev. In Search of the Mahabharata: Notes of Travels in India with Peter Brook, 1982-1985. MacMillan India, Ltd.. 2001. 119pp.

Margaret Croyden (editor). Conversations with Peter Brook, 1970-2000. London: Faber & Faber. 2004. 320pp.

Anthony Davies. Filming Shakespeare's Plays: The Adaptations of Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, Peter Brook, and Akira Kurosawa. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1995. 233pp.

John Heilpern. Conference of the Birds: The Story of Peter Brook in Africa. Methuen. 1999. 327pp.

Richard Helfer; Glenn Loney (editors). Peter Brook: Oxford to Orghast. London: Routledge. 1998. 324pp.

Albert Hunt; Geoffrey Reeves. Peter Brook. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1995. 306pp.

Edward Trostle Jones. Following Directions: A Study of Peter Brook. Pieterlen, Switzerland: Peter Lang. 1985. 220pp.

Michael Kustow. Peter Brook: A Biography. New York: St. Martin's Press. 2005. 352pp.

Shomit Mitter. Systems of Rehearsal: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Grotowski and Peter Brook. London: Routledge. 1992. 192pp.

Dale Moffitt (editor). Between Two Silences: Talking With Peter Brook. Southern Methodist University Press. 1999. 128pp.

Garry O'Connor. The Mahabharata: Peter Brook's Epic in the Making. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1989. 159pp.

A. C. H. Smith. Orghast at Persepolis: An Account of the Experiment in Theatre Directed by Peter Brook and Written by Ted Hughes. London: Eyre Methuen. 1972.

Andrew Todd; Jean-Guy Lecat. The Open Circle: Peter Brook's Theatre Environments. London: Faber & Faber. 2003. 262pp.

J. C. Trewin. Peter Brook: A Biography. London: MacDonald. 1971. 216pp.

David Williams (editor). Peter Brook: A Theatrical Casebook. London: Methuen. 1988. 448pp.

David Williams (editor). Peter Brook and the Mahabharata: Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge. 1991. 337pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Internet Movie Database [link]

  4. Wikipedia [link]

  5. 20th Century Culture: A Biographical Companion (p.106)

  6. The Film Encyclopedia, 5th Edition (p.187)

  7. International Dictionary of 20th Century Biography (p.97)

  8. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.210)

  9. The Encyclopedia of Film (p.82)

  10. Celebrity Register 3rd Issue (p.65)

  11. Celebrity Register 4th Issue (p.62)

  12. The New Biographical Dictionary of Film (p.110)

  13. The Oxford Dictionary of Music (p.126)

  14. International Who's Who 1960 (p.122)

  15. The International Who's Who 2001 (p.215)

  16. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.73)

  17. Legends in Their Own Time (p.33)

  18. A Dictionary of 20th Century World Biography (Oxford) (p.89)

  19. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.341)

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