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Karl Rahner

Religion (5-Mar-1904 — 30-Mar-1984)


James J. Bacik. Apologetics and the Eclipse of Mystery: Mystagogy According to Karl Rahner. University of Notre Dame Press. 1980. 166pp.

Patrick Burke. Reinterpreting Rahner: A Critical Study of His Major Themes. Fordham University Press. 2002. 322pp.

Anne E. Carr. The Theological Method of Karl Rahner. Scholars Press. 1977. 281pp. For the American Academy of Religion.

William Dych. Karl Rahner. Continuum International Publishing Group. 2000. 168pp.

Harvey D. Egan. Karl Rahner: The Mystic of Everyday Life. Crossroad Publishing. 1998. 208pp.

Philip Endean. Karl Rahner and Ignatian Spirituality. Oxford University Press. 2001. 291pp.

Jerry T. Farmer. Ministry in Community: Rahner's Vision of Ministry. Peeters Publishers. 1993. 210pp.

Stephen M. Fields. Being as Symbol: On the Origins and Development of Karl Rahner's Metaphysics. Georgetown University Press. 2000. 164pp.

Allen G. Jorgenson. The Appeal to Experience in the Christologies of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Rahner. Peter Lang. 2007. 230pp.

Dennis W. Jowers. The Trinitarian Axiom of Karl Rahner: The Economic Trinity Is the Immanent Trinity and Vice Versa. Edwin Mellen Press. 2006. 263pp.

Karen Kilby. Karl Rahner: Theology and Philosophy. Routledge. 2004. 160pp.

J. Norman King. God of Forgiveness and Healing in the Theology of Karl Rahner. Rowman & Littlefield. 1983. 100pp.

Robert Kress. A Rahner Handbook. John Knox Press. 1982. 118pp.

Richard Lennan. The Ecclesiology of Karl Rahner. Oxford University Press. 1995. 289pp.

Anton Losinger. Translated by Daniel O. Dahlstrom. The Anthropological Turn: The Human Orientation of the Theology of Karl Rahner. Fordham University Press. 2000. 112pp.

David Lowry. The Prophetic Element in the Church: As Conceived in the Theology of Karl Rahner. University Press of America. 1990. 258pp.

Morwenna Ludlow. Universal Salvation: Eschatology in the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa and Karl Rahner. Oxford University Press. 2000. 304pp.

Declan Marmion; Mary E. Hines (editors). The Cambridge Companion to Karl Rahner. Cambridge University Press. 2005. 318pp.

John J. O'Donnell. Karl Rahner: Life in the Spirit. Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana. 2004. 137pp.

Thomas F. O'Meara. God in the World: A Guide to Karl Rahner's Theology. Liturgical Press. 2007. 145pp.

Michael W. Petty. A Faith That Loves the Earth: The Ecological Theology of Karl Rahner. University Press of America. 1996. 204pp.

Russell R. Reno. The Ordinary Transformed: Karl Rahner and the Christian Vision of Transcendence. William B. Eerdmans. 1995. 224pp.

Louis Roberts. The Achievement of Karl Rahner. Herder and Herder. 1967. 312pp.

Richard J. Rolwing. A Philosophy of Revelation According to Karl Rahner. University Press of America. 1978. 79pp.

Thomas Sheehan. Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations. Ohio University Press. 1987. 320pp.

Mark Lloyd Taylor. God is Love: A Study in the Theology of Karl Rahner. Scholars Press. 1986. 416pp.

Herbert Vorgrimler. Understanding Karl Rahner: An Introduction to His Life and Thought. SCM Press. 1986. 198pp. Translation of Karl Rahner verstehen.


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