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Claude Debussy

Composer (22-Aug-1862 — 25-Mar-1918)


Anna R. Addessi. Claude Debussy e Manuel de Falla: Un caso di influenza stilistica. Bologna, Italy: Clueb. 2000. 216pp. Language: Italian.

Elliott Antokoletz. Musical Symbolism in the Operas of Debussy and Bartok: Trauma, Gender, and the Unfolding of the Unconscious. Oxford University Press. 2004. 346pp.

James R. Briscoe. Debussy in Performance. Yale University Press. 1999. 301pp.

Jonathon Brown. Claude Debussy: An Essential Guide to His Life and Works. Pavilion. 1996. 108pp.

Mark DeVoto. Debussy and the Veil of Tonality: Essays on His Music. Pendragon Press. 2004. 224pp.

Marcel Dietschy. Translated by William Ashbrook; Margaret G. Cobb. A Portrait of Claude Debussy. Clarendon Press. 1994. 254pp.

Jane F. Fulcher (editor). Debussy and His World. Princeton University Press. 2001. 396pp.

Harry B. Harvey. Claude of France: The Story of Debussy. New York: Allen, Towne & Heath. 1948. 190pp.

Robin Holloway. Debussy and Wagner. Eulenberg. 1979. 235pp.

Roy Howat. Debussy in Proportion: A Musical Analysis. Cambridge University Press. 1993. 239pp.

Stefan Jarocinski. Debussy: Impressionism and Symbolism. Eulenberg Books. 1976. 175pp. Translation.

Barbara L. Kelly; Kerry Murphy (editors). Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies: Essays in Honour of François Lesure. Ashgate Publishing. 2007. 209pp.

Victor Lederer. Debussy: The Quiet Revolutionary. Hal Leonard Corporation. 2006. 148pp.

Edward Lockspeiser. Debussy: His Life and Mind. Cambridge University Press. 1979. 291pp.

Barbara Meister. Nineteenth-Century French Song: Fauré, Chausson, Duparc, and Debussy. Indiana University Press. 1998. 402pp.

Roger Nichols. The Life of Debussy. Cambridge University Press. 1998. 184pp.

Roger Nichols. Debussy Remembered. Amadeus Press. 1992. 256pp.

Robert Orledge. Debussy and the Theatre. Cambridge University Press. 1982. 383pp.

Richard S. Parks. The Music of Claude Debussy. Yale University Press. 1989. 366pp.

Virginia Raad. The Piano Sonority of Claude Debussy. E. Mellon Press. 1994. 80pp.

Paul Roberts. Images: The Piano Music of Claude Debussy. Amadeus Press. 1996. 372pp.

Victor Ilyitch Seroff. Debussy: Musician of France. Putnam. 1956. 367pp.

Richard Langham Smith (editor). Debussy Studies. Cambridge University Press. 1997. 235pp.

Simon Trezise (editor). The Cambridge Companion to Debussy. Cambridge University Press. 2003. 326pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Internet Movie Database [link]

  4. Internet Broadway Database [link]

  5. Wikipedia [link]

  6. Library of Congress Name Authority [link]

  7. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.398)

  8. 20th Century Culture: A Biographical Companion (p.173)

  9. Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians (p.180)

  10. International Dictionary of 20th Century Biography (p.171)

  11. Penguin Companion to the Arts in the Twentieth Century (p.323)

  12. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.258)

  13. The Oxford Dictionary of Music (pp.223-24)

  14. Portable Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (pp.73-76)

  15. Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 8th Edition (pp.220-23)

  16. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.140)

  17. Thames & Hudson Encyclopedia of 20th Century Music (p.60)

  18. Legends in Their Own Time (p.64)

  19. The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.85)

  20. Encyclopedia of Concert Music (p.126)

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