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Emma Hamilton

Relative (1765 — 15-Jan-1815)


J. T. Herbert Baily. Emma, Lady Hamilton: A Biographical Essay with a Catalogue of Her Published Portraits. London: W. G. Menzies. 1905. 127pp.

E. Barrington. The Divine Lady: A Romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton. New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap. 1924. 417pp.

Georges Blond. La beauté et la gloire: Nelson et Emma Hamilton. Paris, France: Robert Laffont. 1976. 454pp. Language: French.

Marjorie Bowen. Patriotic Lady: A Study of Emma, Lady Hamilton, and the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799. London: David Bruce & Watson. 1970. 349pp.

Edmund B. D'Auvergne. The Dear Emma: The Story of Emma Lady Hamilton, Her Husband and Her Lovers. London: George G. Harrap & Co.. 1936. 284pp.

Bradda Field. Miledi: The Strange Story of Emma Lady Hamilton. London: Constable & Co.. 1942. 979pp.

Julia Frankau. The Story of Emma, Lady Hamilton. London: Macmillan and Co.. 1911. (2 vols.) 107pp. + 114pp.

Flora Fraser. Beloved Emma: The Life of Emma, Lady Hamilton. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1986. 432pp.

Hilda Gamlin. Emma Lady Hamilton: An Old Story Retold. Liverpool, England: Edward Howell. 1891. 299pp.

Mollie Hardwick. Emma, Lady Hamilton: A Study. London: Cassell. 1969. 312pp.

Nora Lofts. Emma Hamilton. Michael Joseph. 1978. 192pp.

Nora Lofts. Emma Hamilton. Michael Joseph. 1978. 192pp.

W. H. Long (editor). Memoirs of Emma Lady Hamilton. London: William W. Gibbings. 1891. 320pp.

O. A. Sherrard. A Life of Emma Hamilton. London: Sidgwick & Jackson. 1927. 346pp.

Walter Sichel (editor). Emma Lady Hamilton: From New and Original Sources and Documents, Together With an Appendix of Notes and New Letters. London: Archibald Constable. 1905. 552pp.

Colin Simpson. Emma: The Life of Lady Hamilton. London: The Bodley Head. 1983. 224pp.

Hugh Tours. The Life and Letters of Emma Hamilton. London: Victor Gollancz. 1963. 288pp.

Oliver Warner. Emma Hamilton and Sir William. London: Chatto & Windus. 1960. 223pp.


Below are references indicating presence of this name in another database or other reference material. Most of the sources listed are encyclopedic in nature but might be limited to a specific field, such as musicians or film directors. A lack of listings here does not indicate unimportance -- we are nowhere near finished with this portion of the project -- though if many are shown it does indicate a wide recognition of this individual.

  1. NNDB [link]

  2. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]

  3. Wikipedia [link]

  4. Library of Congress Name Authority [link]

  5. Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition

  6. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.657)

  7. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.443)

  8. International Dictionary of Women's Biography (p.213)

  9. Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.221)

  10. Northeastern Dictionary of Women's Biography (p.245)

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