Thomas Hardy Novelist, Poet (2-Jun-1840 11-Jan-1928) SUBJECT OF BOOKS
Lascelles Abercrombie. Thomas Hardy: A Critical Study. London: Martin Secker. 1919. 175pp. Anne Alexander. Thomas Hardy: The "Dream-Country" of His Fiction. Rowman & Littlefield. 1987. 190pp. Tim Armstrong. Haunted Hardy: Poetry, History, Memory. Macmillan. 2000. 198pp. Edmund Blunden. Thomas Hardy. Macmillan. 1941. 286pp. Jean R. Brooks. Thomas Hardy: The Poetic Structure. Cornell University Press. 1971. 336pp. Douglas Brown. Thomas Hardy. Longmans. 1961. 194pp. J. B. Bullen. The Expressive Eye: Fiction and Perception in the Work of Thomas Hardy. Clarendon Press. 1986. 279pp. Lance St. John Butler. Thomas Hardy After Fifty Years. Rowman and Littlefield. 1977. 153pp. Richard Carpenter. Thomas Hardy. Twayne. 1964. 223pp. Mary Ellen Chase. Thomas Hardy, from Serial to Novel. Russell & Russell. 1964. 210pp. Samuel C. Chew. Thomas Hardy: Poet & Novelist. Alfred A. Knopf. 1928. 194pp. Harold Child. Thomas Hardy. London: Nisbet & Co.. 1916. 127pp. S. L. Clark; J. N. Wasserman. Thomas Hardy and the Tristan Legend. Carl Winter. 1983. 96pp. R. G. Cox (editor). Thomas Hardy: The Critical Heritage. Routledge. 1996. 473pp. H. M. Daleski. Thomas Hardy and Paradoxes of Love. University of Missouri Press. 1997. 222pp. Donald Davie. Thomas Hardy and British Poetry. Oxford University Press. 1972. 192pp. William A. Davis. Thomas Hardy and the Law: Legal Presences in Hardy's Life and Fiction. University of Delaware Press. 2003. 199pp. Joanna Devereux. Patriarchy and Its Discontents: Sexual Politics in Selected Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy. Routledge. 2003. 166pp. Ronald P. Draper; Martin S. Ray. An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Thomas Hardy. University of Michigan Press. 1989. 227pp. Albert Pettigrew Elliott. Fatalism in the Works of Thomas Hardy. Russell & Russell. 1966. 136pp. Helmut E. Gerber; W. Eugene Davis. Thomas Hardy: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him. De Kalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press. 1973. (2 vols.) 841pp. + 735pp. James Gibson. Thomas Hardy: A Literary Life. Macmillan. 1996. 206pp. Roger Gittings. Young Thomas Hardy. Boston, MA: Little, Brown. 1975. Roger Gittings. Thomas Hardy's Later Years. Boston, MA: Little, Brown. 1978. Joan Grundy. Hardy and the Sister Arts. Macmillan. 1979. 204pp. Albert J. Guerard. Thomas Hardy. New Directions. 1964. 207pp. Albert Joseph Guérard. Thomas Hardy: The Novels and Stories. Oxford University Press. 1949. 177pp. Frank Ernest Halliday. Thomas Hardy: His Life and Work. Barnes & Noble. 1972. 206pp. Timothy Hands. Thomas Hardy: Distracted Preacher? Hardy's Religious Biography and Its Influence on His Novels. St. Martin's Press. 1989. 172pp. Evelyn Hardy. Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. Hogarth Press. 1954. 342pp. Florence Emily Hardy. The Later Years of Thomas Hardy, 1892-1928. Macmillan. 1930. 286pp. Geoffrey Harvey. The Complete Critical Guide to Thomas Hardy: A Sourcebook. Routledge. 2003. 228pp. Desmond Hawkins. Hardy: Novelist and Poet. 1976. 247pp. Margaret R. Higonnet (editor). The Sense of Sex: Feminist Perspectives on Hardy. University of Illinois Press. 1993. 270pp. Bert G. Hornback. The Metaphor of Chance: Vision and Technique in the Works of Thomas Hardy. Ohio University Press. 1971. 177pp. Samuel Hynes. The Pattern of Hardy's Poetry. University of North Carolina Press. 1961. 193pp. Patricia Ingham. Thomas Hardy. Oxford University Press. 2003. 263pp. Michael Irwin. Reading Hardy's Landscapes. Macmillan. 2000. 171pp. Arlene M. Jackson. Illustration and the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Rowman and Littlefield. 1981. 151pp. Dale Kramer (editor). The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy. Cambridge University Press. 1999. 231pp. Dale Kramer. Thomas Hardy: The Forms of Tragedy. Wayne State University Press. 1975. 190pp. Dale Kramer; with Nancy Marck. Critical Essays on Thomas Hardy: The Novels. G. K. Hall. 1990. 259pp. Glenda Leeming. Who's Who in Thomas Hardy. Elm Tree Books. 1975. 135pp. Phillip Mallett (editor). Thomas Hardy: Texts and Contexts. Macmillan. 2002. 203pp. Kenneth Marsden. The Poems of Thomas Hardy: A Critical Introduction. Oxford University Press. 1969. 247pp. Scott McEathron (editor). Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Sourcebook. Routledge. 2005. 194pp. Michael Millgate. Thomas Hardy: A Biography. New York: Random House. 1982. 637pp. Rosemarie Morgan. Cancelled Words: Rediscovering Thomas Hardy. Routledge. 1992. 215pp. Rosemarie Morgan. Student Companion to Thomas Hardy. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2007. 226pp. Rosemarie Morgan. Women and Sexuality in the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Routledge. 1988. 205pp. Roy Morrell. Thomas Hardy: The Will and the Way. University of Malaya Press. 1965. 188pp. Edward Neill. The Secret Life of Thomas Hardy: "Retaliatory Fiction". Ashgate Publishing. 2004. 176pp. Edward Neill. Trial by Ordeal: Thomas Hardy and the Critics. Camden House. 1999. 146pp. John R. Nelson. Hardy's People: Structure and Character in the Major Fiction. Thesen Verlag. 1974. 199pp. Paul J. Niemeyer. Seeing Hardy: Film and Television Adaptations of the Fiction of Thomas Hardy. McFarland. 2003. 302pp. Harold Orel. The Final Years of Thomas Hardy, 1912-1928. Macmillan. 1976. 151pp. Harold Orel. Thomas Hardy's Epic-Drama: A Study of The Dynasts. University of Kansas Press. 1963. 122pp. Norman Page. Thomas Hardy. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1977. 195pp. Norman Page (editor). Oxford Reader's Companion to Hardy. Oxford University Press. 2000. 528pp. Tom Paulin. Thomas Hardy: The Poetry of Perception. Macmillan. 1986. 225pp. F. B. Pinion. A Commentary on the Poems of Thomas Hardy. Barnes & Noble. 1977. 293pp. F. B. Pinion. Thomas Hardy: Art and Thought. Rowman and Littlefield. 1977. 214pp. Ralph Pite. Thomas Hardy: The Guarded Life. Picador. 2006. 522pp. Birgit Plietzsch. The Novels of Thomas Hardy as a Product of Nineteenth-Century Social, Economic, and Cultural Change. Tenea Verlag. 2004. 294pp. Richard Little Purdy. Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study. Oxford University Press. 1954. 387pp. Andrew Radford. Thomas Hardy and the Survivals of Time. Ashgate Publishing. 2003. 264pp. Beat Riesen. Thomas Hardy's Minor Novels. Peter Lang. 1990. 151pp. William R. Rutland. Thomas Hardy: A Study of His Writings and Their Background. Russell & Russell. 1962. 365pp. C. H. Salter. Good Little Thomas Hardy. Barnes & Noble. 1981. 200pp. F. Outwin Saxelby. A Thomas Hardy Dictionary: The Characters and Scenes of the Novels and Poems Alphabetically Arranged and Described. London: George Routledge and Sons. 1911. 238pp. G. W. Sherman. The Pessimism of Thomas Hardy: A Social Study. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 1976. 518pp. Anne Smith (editor). The Novels of Thomas Hardy. Vision Press. 1979. 196pp. Marlene Springer. Hardy's Use of Allusion. University Press of Kansas. 1983. 207pp. J. I. M. Stewart. Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. Longman. 1971. 249pp. Claire Tomalin. Thomas Hardy. New York: Penguin Press. 2007. 486pp. Paul Turner. The Life of Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. Blackwell Publishing. 2001. 352pp. Penelope Vigar. The Novels of Thomas Hardy: Illusion and Reality. Athlone Press. 1974. 226pp. Carl J. Weber. Hardy of Wessex: His Life and Literary Career. Columbia University Press. 1967. 324pp. G. Glen Wickens. Thomas Hardy, Monism and the Carnival Tradition: The One and the Many in The Dynasts. University of Toronto Press. 2002. 255pp. Peter Widdowson. Hardy in History: A Study in Literary Sociology. Taylor & Francis. 1989. 260pp. Keith Wilson (editor). Thomas Hardy Reappraised: Essays in Honour of Michael Millgate. University of Toronto Press. 2006. 304pp. George Wotton. Thomas Hardy: Towards a Materialist Criticism. Rowman & Littlefield. 1985. 233pp. T. R. Wright. Hardy and His Readers. Macmillan. 2003. 241pp.
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- NNDB [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Online [link]
- Internet Movie Database [link]
- Internet Broadway Database [link]
- Wikipedia [link]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition
- 20th Century Culture: A Biographical Companion (p.305)
- Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 5th Edition (p.667)
- New York Public Library Literature Companion (p.110)
- Authors Today and Yesterday (pp.291-96)
- Benet's Readers Encyclopedia, 4th Edition (p.447)
- Hutchinson Paperback Dictionary of Biography (p.223)
- Concise Biographical Dictionary of Famous Men and Women (p.272)
- The Penguin Companion to English Literature (pp.235-37)
- Encyclopedia of Concert Music (p.193)
- The World Almanac Biographical Dictionary (p.21)
- Makers of 19th Century Culture: 1800-1914 (p.203)
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