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Nuclear Weapon


Paul S. Boyer. Fallout: A Historian Reflects on America's Half-Century Encounter with Nuclear Weapons. Ohio State University Press. 1998. 280pp.

Stephen J. Cimbala. Nuclear Weapons in the Information Age. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2012. 248pp.

Scott Douglas Sagan. The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons. Princeton University Press. 1995. 302pp.

Stephen I. Schwartz. Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940. Brookings Institution Press. 1998. 680pp.

Leonard S. Spector. The Undeclared Bomb. Ballinger Publishing Company. 1988. 499pp.

Nina Tannenwald. The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons Since 1945. Cambridge University Press. 2007. 449pp.

Andreas Wenger. Living with Peril: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Nuclear Weapons. Rowman & Littlefield. 1997. 461pp.

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